What is the difference between polymeric vinyl, monomeric and cast vinyl?

What is the difference between polymeric vinyl, monomeric and cast vinyl?

Here's a breakdown of the differences between polymeric vinyl, monomeric vinyl, and cast vinyl:

Polymeric Vinyl:

- Made from a mixture of polymeric plasticizers and PVC resin
- Offers good flexibility and durability
- Suitable for outdoor use and mild curves
- Less prone to shrinkage and cracking
- Medium to high cost

Monomeric Vinyl:

- Made from a mixture of monomeric plasticizers and PVC resin
- Less flexible and more prone to cracking
- Suitable for flat surfaces and indoor use
- Lower cost

Cast Vinyl:

- Made by casting a liquid mixture of PVC resin and plasticizers into a thin sheet
- Offers excellent flexibility and conformability
- Suitable for complex curves and intricate designs
- Highest cost

In summary:

- Polymeric vinyl is a good all-around choice for general signage and outdoor use.
- Monomeric vinyl is suitable for indoor use and flat surfaces.
- Cast vinyl is ideal for complex designs and shapes that require high flexibility.

Keep in mind that the specific characteristics and uses may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific product.
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